Why Spend time on JavaScript?

Here is what people are saying...

Navigate with keyboard arrows in all directions.
Use the control on the bottom right part as page availability hint.


Because JavaScript empowers you


Because you do not know JavaScript


Because JavaScript did not come to an end after 16 years


Because of the Atwood's Law

Any application that can be written in JavaScript, will eventually be written in JavaScript


Because JavaScript appeared in Microsoft's job postings


Because there are plenty of articles that state we must learn it so most probably this is the case

Time to learn JavaScript

You need to learn JavaScript

You must learn JavaScript


Because JavaScript has already won the battle with Dart


Because EcmaScript is able to evolve...and it is actually doing it making JavaScript beter and beter


Because there are more than 100 languages that compiles to JavaScript

...and still developers prefer to write in JavaScript

Yes, really!


Because people think JavaScript is awesome

I have fallen in love with JavaScript

Why JavaScript is AWESOME


Because HTML5 contains a lot of JavaScript APIs

Web Storage, Web SQL Databases, Drag and Drop, Geolocation, Notifications, Web Workers, etc..


Because JavaScript is anywhere!

Learn it if you need to understand:

Client Side Frameworks For Structuring like Backbone

Client Side Frameworks For DOM like jQuery

Application Frameworks like Backbone Boilerplate

Server Side Platforms like Node.js, Express

NoSQL Databases like Couch DB

Testing libraries and tools like Jasmine and JsTestDriver